The Journey to Reduce Fenergo’s Environmental Footprint

There is no escaping the impact that climate change is having on our world. The increases in adverse and extreme weather events poses massive risks to lives and livelihoods.

Global warming is reality we can no longer ignore. As we can see below, the temperature of our land and oceans is increasing year-on-year, impacting sea level height due to melting of ice caps.

Annual anomalies in global land and ocean surface temperature from 1880 to 2022, based on temperature departure (in degrees Celsius).

Annual anomalies in global land surface temperature from 1880 to 2022, based on temperature departure.

Fenergo’s Environmental Commitment

Fenergo is committed to working in harmony with the environment by seeking to minimize the environmental impact of our business operations.

Fenergo’s ESG strategy is focused on three major areas of environmental impact:
1. Decarbonising our global business model and operations.
2. Increasing our investments in sustainability.
3. Partnering with a wider ecosystem to sign up to our sustainability targets.

Carbon Reduction Commitment and Actions

In 2022, Fenergo committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, joining the global effort to manage the effects of climate change.

We have signed up to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) with a view to providing an ambitious but achievable target for reducing emissions and becoming a more environmentally friendly company with sustainability at the heart of how we operate globally.

Contributing to a Greener World

As a global company and the nature of Fenergo’s business activities, the most significant impact on the environment is the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of operating the company’s offices worldwide and the associated travel involved in implementing world-class technology solutions in client sites. Here is a snapshot of how Fenergo is contributing to a greener world.

  • Energy Efficiency - Reducing the space we use and improving energy efficiency across our real estate portfolio and technology.
  • Bike To Work - Fenergo participates in the Employee Bike to Work scheme in an effort to promote the health and environmental benefits of cycling to work. Hundreds of Fenergo employees have signed up to this tax-efficient incentive since its launch in 2013.
  • Public Transport - With offices based in 16 city centre locations across the world, the vast majority of Fenergo employees travel to work on public transport, with a growing number opting to cycle or walk to work, further reducing the company’s carbon footprint.
  • Work from Home - Fenergo’s flexible and hybrid work arrangements also allow employees to work from home for a portion of the week, reducing the need to commute and travel.
  • Global Communications – Fenergo deploys a range of cloud-based communications tools and technologies to minimize the amount of air travel that employees need to undertake to deliver a comprehensive experience to its global clients and prospects.  
  • Recycling and Waste Reduction – We are also working on reducing, reusing and recycling the waste produced from all eight office locations.
  • Re-using and Donating obsolescent IT hardware to charities and other social valuable institutions.
  • Ongoing Education - Educating and working with employees, suppliers and partners on more energy efficient ways of providing and recycling materials and services.

Insights and resources

Transforming for a Sustainable World & Business

See Real ROI Benefits with Fenergo from Chartis

In a bid to further increase its sustainability efforts Fenergo has announced the adoption of Science-based Targets initiative (SBTi) for more transparent and granular carbon monitoring, control and disclosure.

Fenergo Scoops Silver in EcoVadis Sustainability Ratings Awards

Rated by EcoVadis (438), Fenergo scores better than most of its peers in all four themes.

Gender Pay Gap Report

Our Employees, Nurturing & Developing Our Talent.