Trust & Security
Building trust through transparency
Fenergo is committed to maintaining the trust of our clients, partners, employees, and shareholders. This involves keeping you all updated on how we deliver to our operational excellence strategy. Our operational excellence strategy being delivering quality services balancing cost and risk.
It also involves keeping you informed of the latest status updates, security announcements and best practices, as well as maintaining a transparent culture around Trust and Security, with ‘Security First’ being our default action.

The Fenergo SaaS Guarantee
Status & Reliability
Fenergo is proud to have maintained 99.9% uptime. Get further details from your client relationship manager for your specific product and service range portfolio.
Security Announcements
Fenergo updates clients with the latest industry vulnerabilities, security advisories, updates.
Fenergo is committed to establishing and maintaining a global operating model with a robust common control framework at the core. This allows us to continue to design security and privacy into our product offering along with supporting our clients to meet their regulatory and financial compliance requirements.
Industry Best Practice
Fenergo is dedicated to developing and maturing our Security Center of Excellence to continue to not only meet but exceed the stringent global security standards. This is evidenced through our industry best practice certifications and client trust assurance program.
Working through Fenergo client relationship managers, Fenergo clients are provided with trust assurance on reliability, availability, security, confidentiality, and privacy commitments made.

Building Trust Through Transparency
ISO 27001:2013
The highest level of global information security assurance available today. Link to cert here.
SSAE 18 (SOC2)
Operations and data center security, availability and confidentiality.
More Information
If you would like more information on our Security & Trust values, please contact us.